Today, we hosted an Athletics Event, it was more of an event than a competition with a carousel of events set out for all school teams to come along and try. Some disciplines were easy and some were more difficult, but all children showed great persistence until they completed their tasks. Team Birdwell gave their all on Shotput, Javelin, Welly Wanging, Obstacle Course, Long Jump and Tennis Racquet and Ball Race.
A lot of fun was had by all, especially in the Tug o’ War event. Lots of smiling children when they realised Mrs Atkinson was joining in just to help out our team. She just can’t help joining in!!
A shout-out to our Y5 girls who were playing Sports Leaders for us today as our Y6’s were having an end-of-SATs treat at Dunkin Donuts. Well done to these girls who were not only excellent role models during the afternoon but superb ambassadors for our school performing a first-class role.
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