Sheffield Road, Birdwell, Barnsley, S70 5XB

Birdwell Primary School SEND Policy

SEND Aims of the School

• To ensure that all children have access to broad and balanced learning opportunities.

• To provide differentiation appropriate to the individual’s needs and ability.

• To ensure the early identification of all children requiring SEND provision.

• To ensure that children with special educational needs take as full a part as possible in all activities.

• To develop maintain positive relationships and work alongside parents and carers of learners with SEND, ensuring they are kept fully informed and involved in their child’s learning, progress and attainment.

• To ensure that SEND children are involved, where practicable, in decisions affecting their future SEN provision and learning.

• To ensure that all children are able to achieve their full potential.

• To provide a fully inclusive learning experience across all curriculum areas.


Amy Moody – SENDCO can be contacted via
Kim Atkinson-Swift – Parent Support Advisor

Definition of Special Educational Needs

A child or young person has Special Educational Needs if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.

A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

  • has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or
  • has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions

A child is classed as disabled if:-

  • Many children and young people who have SEND may have a disability under the Equality Act 2010 – that is ‘…a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’. This definition provides a relatively low threshold and includes more children than many realise: ‘long-term’ is defined as ‘a year or more’ and ‘substantial’ is defined as ‘more than minor or trivial’. This definition includes sensory impairments such as those affecting sight or hearing, and long-term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, and cancer. Children and young people with such conditions do not necessarily have SEN, but there is a significant overlap between disabled children and young people and those with SEN. Where a disabled child or young person requires special educational provision they will also be covered by the SEN definition.

There are four broad categories used when identifying a child’s needs. These are;

  • Communication & Interaction
  • Cognition & learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Sensory and/or physical needs

If you feel that your child falls into any of the above categories then please make your child’s class teacher aware in the first instance. A meeting with the SENDCO can then be arranged.


The School believes that the admissions criteria should not discriminate against pupils with SEN and has due regard for the practice advocated in the Code of Practice, in that

The Equality Act 2010 prohibits schools from discriminating against disabled children and young people in respect of admissions for a reason related to their disability’. (COP, 1.28)

  • must consider applications from parents of children who have SEND but do not have an EHC plan on the basis of the school’s published admissions criteria as part of normal admissions procedures
  • must not refuse to admit a child who has SEND but does not have an EHC plan because they do not feel able to cater for those needs
  • must not refuse to admit a child on the grounds that they do not have an EHC plan.

Identification, Assessment and Provision

At Birdwell Primary School we have adopted a whole-centred approach to SEND policy and practice. Children identified as having SEND are, as far as is practicable, fully integrated into all activities. Every effort is made to ensure that they have full access to learning opportunities and/or the National/EYFS Curriculum and are integrated into all aspects of the setting.

The SEND Code of Practice 2015 makes it clear that all teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs. It is ultimately the responsibility of the class teacher to ensure each child receives appropriate learning opportunities.

All teachers/practitioners are responsible for identifying children with SEND and, in collaboration with the SENDCO, will ensure that those children requiring different or additional support are identified at an early stage.

It is school’s policy to ensure high quality teaching and learning for all pupils. The school leadership team regularly conduct lesson observations and planning scrutiny to ensure that teaching and learning is of a high standard and differentiated to an appropriate level for each child.   Based on the outcomes of these observations support is planned in the form of staff development and INSET to ensure that all staff  are up-skilled in their understanding of strategies to support vulnerable pupils or those that have/may have SEND.

The first step in responding to pupils who have/may have SEND is when a need has been identified by the adults who work with the child; this could be the parent/class teacher or LSA or member of the SLT.

The graduated approach to identifying Special Educational Needs. 

The purpose of identification is to work out the action the school needs to take to meet the child’s individual needs, not to fit a pupil into a category.

In supporting pupils with SEND, in line with the SEND Code of Practice (DfE, 2015) we follow a process of Assess, Plan, Do, Review.


Following the initial concern around a special educational need, a clear analysis of the pupil’s needs would be carried out collaboratively, in partnership with the parent(s)/carer(s), class teacher. The SENDCO may also attend this. This will explore the pupils key strengths, barriers to learning, attainment and progress information, attendance, previous support and impact  considering all views, including the views of the child. An observation of the child may also take place by the SENDCO if this is felt appropriate.


Following this assessment, if it is felt necessary, an SEN Monitoring Plan or SEN Support Plan will be drawn up in collaboration with those involved. This will identify key needs assessed,  outline key targets and outcomes as well a design appropriate provision to support achievement of these goals; including provision linked to specific subjects. In some cases a referral to outside agencies may be required; this is done in consultation with parents.  This final  support plan will be shared with parents and key staff involved and the child will be added to the school SEN register.


All parties involved in the planning stage of the SFP take their agreed responsibility as identified on the plan. The class teacher will remain responsible for implementation of provision in school with support of the SENDCO and wider agencies that are involved.


Support Plans are monitored regularly and reviewed termly, in line with the agreed date, in collaboration with families, child, class teacher and in some cases the SENDCO, to measure the impact of support on progress. Next steps are then agreed collaboratively and this process repeats.  All reviews follow a ‘person centred approach’ and keep the child at the centre.

Where concerns remain around a child’s progress and development or the provision needed to support a child is beyond what the school currently has capacity to provide, it may be necessary to request an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment. If this is accepted, the child will be issued with an Education Health and Care Plan. This is a legal document which outlines the pupil’s strengths, barriers to learning, learning outcomes and provision needed to meet their more complex needs and provides additional funding to support the implementation of the outlined provision.

Where a pupil has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), the local authority must review that plan as a minimum every twelve months. The school will co-operate by holding these annual reviews, in line with the guidance.  Annual Reviews are carried out in partnership with school, the family and wider agencies involved.

At all times the teacher holds the responsibility for evidencing progress according to the outcomes described in the plan.


Intervention Policy (1)

English as an additional language;

Particular care will be needed with children whose first language is not English. Their progress will be closely followed as certain whether any problems arise from uncertain command of English or from special educational needs. It will be necessary to assess their proficiency in English before planning any additional support that might be required.

Allocation of Resources

It is the school’s responsibility to provide the resources to fund additional provision up to £6000. When the level of support required to meet a child’s needs exceeds this, school or parent(s)/carer(s) will look to request an EHC Needs Assessment in the hope of securing the additional ‘top up funding’ needed to meet the child’s needs. Where a child has an EHCP, their allocation of resources is outlined in the document.

Children with an EHCP can apply for a personal budget, where all partners involved must set out in their joint commissioning arrangements.

Record Keeping

The school will keep records of both the steps taken to meet children’s individual needs as well as wider SEND or medical documentation.  These will be kept securely in line with school policy.



The school is accessible to all regardless of SEND. There are wheelchair friendly ramps and lifts to allow access to all areas of the school building. For further information see our schools Accessibility policy.



All children access transition days with their class. In some cases children may require additional transition time, this will decided by school in partnership with parents.

Transition may include:-

  • Meetings between teachers.
  • Children meeting their new class teacher.
  • Development of a package that will follow your child through to their next classroom. E.g. A communication package- upskilling of staff in child’s preferred communication mode.
  • Home visits by school prior to start date.
  • Visits to new setting.

Managing the medical needs of pupils

Where a child has both SEN and a medical health condition the EHC plan will specify the type and level of support required to meet their needs. Where an EHC is not in place, school will work with parent and carers and the wider medical team involved to specify the type and level of support required to meet their needs and if required explore a request for an EHC Needs Assessment.

For further information see the Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions policy.

Barnsley’s Local Offer for children with SEND

The Local Area Offer website:  is a valuable resource providing information about support services, education and things to do.

BPS SEND Information Report 2024.25
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