With teams of 7 players, Handball is a physical and fast sport of intense physical contact, with shots being thrown at speeds from a stand throw, which is considered the most basic skill in handball.
Handball is principally a form of aerobic exercise, handball helps to enhance agility and flexibility, muscle tone, and stamina and promotes cardiovascular health. With intermittent high-intensity moments during competition, handball also has anaerobic and musculoskeletal benefits. In the element of today’s competition, we watched character formation among our youngsters. We saw our team of 8 children developing qualities such as purposefulness, a strong work ethic, endurance and patience and improving their skills with every game played. What was great to watch was the team networking with other schools and clearly making new friends. We have a ‘new friend’ photobombing on the last photograph below – Well Done to our Mighty Team of Handballers, you played some great games today and it was a pleasure to watch you!!
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